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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


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568 results found

  1. Standardize system logic for "deceased." Outreach module already indicates if the participants is housed/deceased ( this should be standardized across the system. And should include warnings when a deceased participant is being enrolled with a start date of the deceased date.

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  2. Customers would like the ability to carry forward ("cascade") any data collected prior to an exit as the response collected during an auto-exit.

    Such functionality would be different from the current 'Exit Screen Fields Due to Inactivity' functionality. Instead of pre-defining default exit data for an exit field, customers would have the ability to allow the most recently collected data (something collected during enrollment or a status update, for example) to carry forward into the corresponding exit field when an auto-exit takes place.

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  3. Client Unique Identifier (UID) is only visible on the Client Profile tab. Our users would like to be able to see the UID while navigating through all client-related tabs including History, Service, Programs, etc. Our users suggested including the UID to the right of the client's name in the header.

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  4. Some customers may be responsible for running 40-50 CAPERs at one time for the quarterly ESG CV submissions. Is there any way System Administrators can have “special permissions” to run multiple reports?

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  5. Clarity would be so much more robust and flexible if client privacy settings were tied to the client and not the agency. Our community offers clients the ability to revoke consents. We also import data from another system so we are forced to choose between database health (client matching on) or client privacy. All of these issues would be resolved if client privacy was set at the client level vs. the agency.

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  6. It would be useful to have the following updated and pushed to "Data Analysis" section in the Help Center of the Bitfocus website, every time Looker or SQL Access has been updated:

    • A "Clarity to Looker Data Dictionary" showing all the fields available in all of the Looker models
    • A diagram of how the tables relate in Looker
    • SQL Access fields list showing all the fields available
    • A diagram of how the tables relate in SQL Access

    It would also be helpful to include field descriptions, HMIS metadata, table name, and name.

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  7. Request access to LookML

    LookML is a language for describing dimensions, aggregates, calculations, and data relationships in a SQL database. Looker uses a model written in LookML to construct SQL queries against a particular database.

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  8. While Outreach itself is mobile-friendly, the rest of Clarity is less so, leaving outreach workers with a mixed Clarity experience when collecting client data.

    This includes client search, assessments, program enrollments, services, current living situation, etc.

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  9. It would be convenient and useful to have a notes section in HMIS where we could enter details about a staffs access changes and/or other notes. In particular I would like to be able to enter why an account was made inactive. This would assist in next steps when a user who was made inactive is requesting to be reactivated.

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  10. Creating a Chronic Homeless Live Marker from data entered in the CH core Data Standard fields on enrollment screens such as 3.08 and 3.917, which would allow Admins to do nifty things like include it on CE Assessments or as conditions for Assessment Processors.

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  11. If we are running an APR (for example) for multiple programs or multiple dates at the same time, currently the report queue only keeps the most recent run of the APR in memory and overwrites or removes previous runs. User has requested the ability to run multiple APRs and have the results stored in Clarity to compare without having to download.

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  12. User Story:

    As an outreach worker who works with unhoused individuals and their pets, I want an option to be added that identifies a pet in the “Household Members” section so that we can link the pet to the owner, have an accurate representation of family size, track safety and liability, and know who the client will be taking with them if they were to receive housing. We provide services to clients AND their animals, and we propose a comprehensive set of criteria to be included such as:

    • Photo Entry
    • Breed
    • Age
    • Name
    • Color
    • Microchip status
    • Vaccination records
    • Size
    • Temperament
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  13. Some agencies operate programs across multiple HUD CoCs; the agency can only be assigned to a single CoC, but its programs can be assigned to multiple CoCs. Access to a CoC's Coordinated Entry Community Queue is based on the CoC assigned at the agency level, not the CoC(s) assigned at the program level. This prevents programs that operate in other CoC(s) to view the Community Queue(s) for the CoC(s) they operate in.

    If an implementation has their Coordinated Entry Type set to "Continuum of Care Based" in their system settings, they should be able to allow agencies that operate programs…

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  14. Customer requests a feature to alert a user that is creating a new Enrollment for a client when there is already another open Enrollment (i.e. without an Exit Date) at another Agency that would overlap.

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  15. We have a lot of different folks on care teams in order to get people housed. Adding people to a care team in Clarity does not mean they will receive notifications about the client's referral and housing status. It would greatly improve coordination of care if people on the care team actually received all notifications regarding the client. That, and /or the option to add more than one Case Manager or Navigator (either by additional field, or changing that field type to a multi-select, or both) so that providers working with clients are kept informed.

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  16. Currently Assessment Due Warnings only populate for HUD-required Annual Assessments. We would like to see the option to set Assessment Due Warnings for status update screens, so that users can receive reminders to complete status updates on a more frequent basis. For example, if the Case Status field in the program template is set to "Every Month", the user would receive an Assessment Due Warning each month a client is active in a program.
    In addition, we would like to see the "Assessment Due" date on the "Status Due" tab of the Caseload tab to reset each time a status…

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  17. Personal ID (as opposed to Unique ID) is included in the data extracts for Federal HMIS Partner submissions. Errors in those submissions will identify offending records by Personal ID, however, there's no easy way to search for a record.

    Allowing search by Personal ID would be a huge help to the users who are troubleshooting the Federal HMIS Partner uploads.

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  18. When a Clarity user leaves and agency, there should be a way to switch all clients on that user's caseload en masse and change them to another assigned staff member, rather than having to go to each client's program page individually.

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  19. Usually when I am running a DQX or APR report, I want the report in at least two, if not all three, formats. It's time-consuming to go through and re-select all the options to run the same report in a different format. Thanks!

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  20. We wanted to request a feature enhancement regarding audit logs. Our hope is that we would be able to report on a history of changes to client profile data. We would like to be able to identify the fields that were changed, the user that made the changes, and the date that the changes were made. This is currently available to system admins on a limited basis by going into individual client profiles and reviewing an audit log, but it would be helpful to be able to run a canned report or even have a Looker model dedicated to tracking…

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