Allow agencies that operate programs across multiple CoCs to have access to multiple CoCs Community Queues
Some agencies operate programs across multiple HUD CoCs; the agency can only be assigned to a single CoC, but its programs can be assigned to multiple CoCs. Access to a CoC's Coordinated Entry Community Queue is based on the CoC assigned at the agency level, not the CoC(s) assigned at the program level. This prevents programs that operate in other CoC(s) to view the Community Queue(s) for the CoC(s) they operate in.
If an implementation has their Coordinated Entry Type set to "Continuum of Care Based" in their system settings, they should be able to allow agencies that operate programs across multiple CoCs to access the Community Queue for each CoC they operate in (either by allowing the assignment of multiple CoCs at the agency level, or making access to the Community Queue dependent on the program-level CoC assignment).