When a Clarity user leaves
When a Clarity user leaves and agency, there should be a way to switch all clients on that user's caseload en masse and change them to another assigned staff member, rather than having to go to each client's program page individually.

Thank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Elisa Rawlinson commented
When a case manager leaves an agency or caseload is moved to a different case manager, the current workflow is for a manager or Admin to manually go through each client record in the caseload and switch to a new case manager. It would be helpful to be able to bulk switch an entire caseload from one case manager to another.
Javi Pinedo commented
It would be great if during turnover of HMIS clarity users, that there be a report an agency could run, to change the caseload of one staff member to another in a bulk form versus going to each profile and individually switching staff.