340 results found
We have noticed data entry issues where a users enters an amount for an income source and then changes the source to "no." The amount continues to exist and is reported in Looker if the source toggle is set to no. Please either prevent the user from changing the source toggle to no without also removing the amount or automatically delete the amount when the source toggle is changed to no.
4 votes -
Chronic Homelessness Live Marker
Creating a Chronic Homeless Live Marker from data entered in the CH core Data Standard fields on enrollment screens such as 3.08 and 3.917, which would allow Admins to do nifty things like include it on CE Assessments or as conditions for Assessment Processors.
38 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Assign more than one case manager / allow Care Teams to get all notifications
We have a lot of different folks on care teams in order to get people housed. Adding people to a care team in Clarity does not mean they will receive notifications about the client's referral and housing status. It would greatly improve coordination of care if people on the care team actually received all notifications regarding the client. That, and /or the option to add more than one Case Manager or Navigator (either by additional field, or changing that field type to a multi-select, or both) so that providers working with clients are kept informed.
28 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Start Date and End Date Validation
Before saving a Start Date or End Date, validate the date is a valid calendar date. This could also check for dates recorded prior to 1/1/1915 as noted in HMIS Reporting Glossary. This could also check for dates in the future and give a warning message when the user saves that it is a date in the future to confirm accuracy. This could apply to both enrollments and services.
12 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Allow the ability to edit Queue Remove reasons so they can be unique for each CoC versus systemwide.
Each coc should have the ability to adjust the reasons a referral is removed from the queue for evaluation of outcomes. Right now adding an option that is needed in CoC is difficult to train users in other CoC that it's not relevant in their community and to disregard that pick list option.
Priority level 3
18 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Sharing on Program Level
Sharing set at a program level instead of an agency.
Departments do not work like they should for programs like RHY. It would be better to have more flexibility on where visibility can be set.20 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Add the functionality fo referral back to the queue when a referral is sent to a housing provider & does not result in a HMID
Adding the functionality for a referral to be sent back to the CQ when a referral is sent from the CQ to a housing provider that does not result in a HMID and the exit destination is still a homeless category. Allowing referral be return to the queue keeping the history of the original referral, similar to a referral that is denied by a PH provider and sent back to the queue would be very helpful.
Priority level 3
16 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Ability to filter custom fields in Looks, etc.
It would be beneficial to have the ability to sort/filter reports (including Looks) by custom-created fields.
16 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Include referral notes in Basic Shared with access rights toggle
We're having an issue where certain housing navigators are not able to see or leave referral notes if they are not working under an agency that sent or is receiving the referral. Our community voted to set Service/Programs/Assessments/Events Placed as "basic shared," and because these are all grouped together, we can't open up sharing for referrals for certain access roles because the agency sharing settings override any access role permissions. A solution to this would be to include referral notes in Basic Shared, since leaving a note is not changing the status or behavior of the referral in any way.…
15 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
live markers
Allow admin to create their own system live markers - this might provide solutions to all the live marker related improvement requests here.
Doing so would grant us more freedom over our own systems and and meet the needs / preferences of our CoCs.
12 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Allow custom fields related to Referral Status to be added to a Referral Screen
As communities develop more complex Coordinated Entry Systems, more flexible referral status tracking is becoming a priority. It would add significant flexibility if system admins could add custom fields to the Referral Screen to capture additional details about referral's status. For example, adding a follow up question to "Reason Denied" to capture an additional layer of detail about why a referral was denied.
13 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Update Unit Status in Batch
Customers have asked for the ability to update the status of multiple units at one time (update in a batch). For example, a building and units were set up to prepare for a new building to come online. Units were set to inactive so they would show on the dashboard until the agency was ready to begin leasing up the new building. When the agency is ready to begin lease-up, they need to change hundreds of units to active.
As a property manager, I want to update the status of multiple units at one time so that I can efficiently…
14 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Standalone Building name needs to be distinct
When you create a site of type "Standalone Unit", the system creates a default Building called "Standalone Site Building". If you have multiple sites of this type, you cannot tell them apart in the filter. Please update the naming convention to include the site name in some fashion. That puts the onus on us, the customer, to choose distinct Site Names, which I think is appropriate. I suggest "Standalone" + "Site Name", but I am open to other ideas.
10 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Create a separate access right for the referrals tab in client records
Currently the Referrals access right allows both the Global REFERRALS tab and the REFERRALS tab in client records. There are multiple use cases where we need users to have access to one or the other but not both of these. We would like to be able to separately assign rights to the referrals tab in client records. Thanks!
8 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
E-signing doesn't work with touchscreen laptop
According to a user in Santa Cruz, they can't e-sign forms using a touchscreen laptop. It requires using a mouse or using an ios or android device. It would be great if they could take advantage of our touchscreen laptops to sign ROI's and other forms directly into clarity and not have to invest in iPads.
This seems to be an issue with the HTML/script coding of the web page. They found a potential solution here, or at least something to get started https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad.
8 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Ability to use/customize program eligibility criteria within the CQ
It would be beneficial to be able to customize eligibility criteria within the CQ to fully integrate a complex prioritization matrix as well as program-specific criteria. Dynamic chronic homeless status is critical to sort by within the CQ.
9 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Allow users to record "yes" ROI when client has a "no" recorded by another agency
We have had a recurring situation where the following takes place:
1. Client has a “no” ROI recorded by Agency A with no end date (but has an unlocked profile)
2. Client begins working with staff at Agency B and gives consent/signs ROI
3. Staff at Agency B try to record this “yes” ROI but cannot; it throws an error for the ROI start date because there is no end date for the previous “no” ROI.
Staff at Agency B cannot edit and add an end date to the “no” ROI because it was recorded by Agency A.
Currently when…18 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Automatically display address, when adding a geolocation in the location tab.
Automatically display address, when adding a geolocation in the location tab.
When adding a location in the location tab a geolocation marker can be selected, but the address does not appear. Please add an address filed or auto populate the address to display in the address line 2.
The end users have to manually add the address.
This would be a helpful tool for outreach workers, as it would allow them to quickly and easily track the locations of their clients and identify areas where there is a need for services.
Here are some of the benefits of adding this…
8 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Allow Inventory Screen to be Created for each CoC or Referral Setting
Currently, Inventory screens are system-level screens that cannot be copied. For a statewide instance of Clarity, each CoC operates as a separate system. Each CoC manages its housing stock, they have separate CE systems, and reporting is completed by each CoC.
Each CoC may want to implement Inventory but need to record different information using custom fields on the housing inventory screens.
Since the Inventory screens cannot be copied, each CoC would either need to agree on a set of custom fields, see each other's fields, or use complex constraints and configurations to hide the fields from each CoC, making…
6 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Edit additional fields in Add Contact
Hello! A manager asked me if I could add additional custom fields to the Contacts Page. In addition to changing the Contact Type field, for example we could add things such as a mark that one person is a preferred emergency contact when in crisis (or alternately, if it isn't feasible to add custom fields to the Contacts page, adding this as an additional optional field to all of them). Would it be possible to add something like this? We work in a program where we need to store a lot of contacts for the client, but not all of…
6 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
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