567 results found
Approximate or partial DOB
Since the Quality of Date of Birth field can be reported as "approximate or partial DOB reported" the system should allow users to record a partial DOB.
Perhaps allow 00 (zeros) to be used in the date of birth field- ex. 00/00/2003
Some providers, such as DV agencies, may only collect partial DOBs (just the year) and don't want to record false day/ month data.
4 votes -
Add fields in Looker for HUD's numbering for project type code and exit destination string categories
Because HUD changes the string names for Project Type and Exit Destination, it would help us to have a field in Looker that provides the number HUD uses to corresponds with the pick list for these elements. This would help stabilize our code so that it is more resilient to name changes.
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User Access Role: Matchmaker modification
We would like the housing opening notifications to be a separate user access role. We have several queues in our community for ES and PH. The teams who make referrals to ES do not need to get an email notification for PH Housing openings/availability for agencies/programs they do not have access to in Clarity.
We would like these notifications to be a separate access role.
4 votes -
We have noticed data entry issues where a users enters an amount for an income source and then changes the source to "no." The amount continues to exist and is reported in Looker if the source toggle is set to no. Please either prevent the user from changing the source toggle to no without also removing the amount or automatically delete the amount when the source toggle is changed to no.
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4 votes
Tool to update case manager
When a case manager leaves an agency AAs are having a difficult time reassigning clients to another case manager. Some case managers will have a case load of over 100 clients. It would be great to have a tool for system administrators to remove the case manager and assign the clients to another case manager.
4 votes -
Operating Start Date DQ Check
When you input the "Operating Start Date" the system checks for any "Project Start Dates" that occur before the selected date. If they exit, a message appears warning the user they have clients that were served before the selected Operating Start Date. This will also help resolve potential LSA Flag issues due to this conflict in data quality.
4 votes -
Mapping for LocationCrisisOrPHHousing in the DIT
When using the DIT to import CE events, it is not importing the LocationCrisisOrPHHousing value from the file, and instead imports all values as "imported project". The language on this field in the data standards is "If a client was referred to an opening in a continuum crisis housing or permanent housing
project, select the Project Name and HMIS Project ID of the referred project."What we would like, is to be able to map the values in the CSV file to a clarity programIDs, so that imported data can correctly reflect what's in the external file, and display the…
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Providers are accidentally referring clients to the CQ under a closed CE enrollment, can error messages mitigate this?
Providers are entering CE assessments under closed CE enrollments, referring those assessments to the CQ, then wondering why their clients are not coming up for CES referrals. There's no error message or alert to keep people from entering CE assessments under a closed enrollment. Can there be?
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Public Alerts Visible in Outreach
If a client has a public alert it would beneficial to have the alert icon show up in the outreach module (same place as housed status).
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Outreach Labels/Markers in Reports
The labels/markers (Housed, Sheltered & Deceased) should be included in the Outreach model in looker so that sorting can be done with these labels. Users have expressed a desire to see how many clients associated with outreach have the housed label assigned to them.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Note who performed an assessment on the assessment history
Hello! Hope everything is going well.
We recently moved to Clarity from a different database, and in the past when you went to view the history of assessments completed for a client, the previous competing database was able to list who last created or edited the assessments in the list (So imagine the columns said Assessment Name, Date Completed, then Staff Completed as opposed to the way it is now). Is there any way we could make this a feature staff could opt into?
I suggested to this supervisor the Client Staff Data Activity Report as a workaround, but after…
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Auto-refer to CQ upon completion of CA
To prevent the end user from having to complete an extra step, can a referral to the community queue be automatic once the user completes the coordinated assessment (VISPDAT)?
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Allow negative dollar amounts
For custom assessments that document and track budgets, we are unable to save the assessment if the total calculation of income related amounts vs expense amounts is a negative dollar amount. I am submitting this idea to recommend changing applicable settings to allow negative calculations.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Restore deleted user accounts
As a System Administrator, I would like to have the ability to restore deleted user accounts. So that I may recover the account myself and not have to submit a help desk ticket to fix the issue for me.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Ability to print bulk scan cards
Sometimes there is a need to print many scan cards in one session. It would be great to have an option to print a bulk amount of client scan cards in one session, versus having to go to individual profile screens and print separately.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
copy services across agencies/ ability to copy service taxonomy
It would save a lot of time to have a service template that allows us to apply a uniform set of services to multiple agencies rather than recreating them under each agency management screen. Also, when creating a service taxonomy, we cannot copy one that is already established and make minor tweaks like we can with screens.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Ability to pull daily bed utilization % in Looker
Customer is looking for a way to pull daily bed utilization percentages from Looker. We can pull weekly percentages or use a Pentaho report to get daily utilization numbers but not percentages.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Pre-validation of HUD reports in Clarity
It would be great if certain HUD reports can be "pre-validated" in Clarity (run against some known HUD validation checks). This could save users time when submitting to HDX (1 or 2) or Sage, if they know right away that there is a problem with their file/report. They would not even have to "waste time" submitting a problem file to HUD but be prompted to fix errors right in Clarity.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Inactive Unit Description Field
It would be helpful to include an inactive description field when a user changes a unit to inactive. Users can include information that the community may need to reference later. For example, referencing this info may be particularly important when preparing the HIC or LSA reports.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
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