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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


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567 results found

  1. live marker: age at "program date" (InformationDate)

    Description: Calculate the client's age at program date.

    Issue: Users sometimes backdate/future date/update records which causes some age specific fields to show up due to using the current age live marker, the client's age at program date may not be the same as the current age.

    Outcome: Any field using this live marker as a constraint will use the age at program date and will also align HUD age specific fields.

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  2. Name, DOB, or SSN, or any ‘Quality of …’ fields on the Profile screens are not available to be display constraints for other fields on on the profile but a customer would like to be able use them as constraints.

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  3. For strict case management users, it would be helpful to be able to create custom profile screens that exclude the HUD data elements. Currently, even if an agency or user doesn't need to collect things like DQ of name or Social Security Number, these elements are still required.

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  4. It would be nice if it could be an option to allow for toggling household members in a referral the way you can in a service or program enrollment.

    Our staff has really struggled with the idea that only HoH needs to have the referral sent to the queue. This means that on other household member(s) profile(s) it does not show them as "Client has an active entry on the
    Community Queue". This has resulted in duplicate referrals being added for the same household.

    It would solve confusion if you could toggle on individuals included in the referral so the…

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  5. A client's enrollment date should not start before the program itself starts. The LSA treats these as errors, and we need to resolve them every year before submitting it. If Clarity stopped those errors from happening, it would save us a lot of time.

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  6. Because of the LSA, we found out we had closed out programs that still had inventories open. Please make it so that the system ends everything with an open date with the same ending date as the program end date. There's no reason to have open bed inventory when the program ends.

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  7. Add the ability to translate client facing screens. Add to System Setup\Settings a "Translation" section where users can determine if a translation service is used such as "Google Translate" or manual translation (system should allow for multiple options). This would then be included in screens so when enabled at screen level and based on selection (allow for multiple selections), the screen will display a translation option with available translations services\languages. When one of these options is selected, the screen will either display the translated screen or display the translated fields alongside the regular fields.

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  8. When we do an assessment with a client and it is a "family tye" assessment that asks about the family, we would like for that information to be automatically filled in. For example, if the assessment asks how many children are in the household, it should fill in based on how the household is built in HMIS. If it asks for name and age, it should be able to pull that from the childrens profile screens.

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  9. User Story:

    Per HUD standards, we are to enroll each client we encounter into our Street Outreach program and document a CLS Assessment. However, a majority of the interactions our team has is with clients that refuse to provide any identifying information, much less answer any of the intake questions.

    Is there any way that a toggle can be implemented into an enrollment form that will automatically answer each intake question with "Client Prefers not to Answer"? If not each question, at least most of them?

    This will alleviate data entry fatigue for staff documenting the many clients that refuse…

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  10. When reviewing results in the DIT interface, there can be hundreds of pages on the results page.

    To allow for easy review, searching, and filtering, an excel/csv downloadable version of these results would benefit end users.

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  11. Add a “Clarity Version” on the Clarity Login page.

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  12. To be able to message your clients through the portal, and to be able to see if they have opened or not opened the email/message. Also to give the clients the ability to respond.

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  13. We continue to get requests from providers who have staff that have CE assessment privileges and wanting to know how many people each staff are enrolling into CE, how many are completing assessments, and how many of those are being added to the community queue. The canned report available in Clarity does not work.

    Another report similar to this is for the programs to see how many people currently active in their projects are also enrolled, assessed, and on the CE community queue.

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  14. It would be very helpful if we had the ability to make an Additional Agency Access 'inactive' as we require Annual recertifications for things like Coordinated Entry - which is set up as Additional Agency Access.
    Currently we have to remove access completely and then re-assign access, and that is very time consuming.

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  15. I send out job leads and notifications to my active caseload in CareerLink. This is about hiring events, career fairs, or community events. I was hoping I could have a way to add this note to everyone active on my caseload as I do this a few times a week. Now I have to input them when I touch a file. I was seeking a prompt to allow me to add a general case note reflecting this type of action to all active cases in one entry.

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  16. We would like the option to make Referral Denial Information box required. We review the data and it would be helpful to always know more information to ensure the correct selection was made based on our shared definitions of the options.

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  17. There should be a way for custom forms to be uploaded to Clarity instead of building out a form within Clarity's "Client Forms" tool. The "Client Forms" tool is tool located at: Grid / Waffle --> Settings --> Client Forms.

    We have created forms in-house that are far more robust than what we can build out through the Client Forms build tool. These are blank and fillable PDF files that we would like uploaded to Clarity for field staff to use instead of whatever is built out within Clarity.

    Ideally, this custom Client Form, would open the same way by…

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  18. Have the ability to merge three fields at once.

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  19. There seems to be a new update in the ONE system when it comes to uploading files, and I am running into the following issue:

    When you go to a Profile and click on “FILES” then click “Add File,” it takes you to a page titled “UPLOAD A FILE.” Then, you click “Select File,” and choose the file to upload and then click “ADD RECORD.” The file is then uploaded and you are redirected back to the “MODIFY FILE” page for the same file you just uploaded.

    It would save a lot of time if instead, we were redirected back…

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  20. Strip PHI/PII from ALL reports by using a "Toggle Button." This would allow for ease of sharing information between partners, grantees, etc by allowing users the ability to use share reports instead of deleting going into files then self deleting all information or guessing what information should be removed before sharing a report.

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