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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


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567 results found

  1. Client Unique Identifier (UID) is only visible on the Client Profile tab. Our users would like to be able to see the UID while navigating through all client-related tabs including History, Service, Programs, etc. Our users suggested including the UID to the right of the client's name in the header.

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  2. Clarity doesn't have any field created that will generate the Responsible Staff (connected to the program) in Looker and they do not have a canned report that will generate the information. It would be really helpful to be able to pull a list of all programs and their responsible staff members is some way / shape / or form.

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  3. It would be useful to have fields for Enrollment HoH ID, and Global Household HoH ID that can be added as fields to the HMIS Performance model.

    This would allow us to run reports on household data and check to see who is the head of household at the enrollment level and at the Global level for checking the accuracy of the data.

    This would help identify when global households separate into different enrollments, whether for valid reasons or not.

    This would help easily create a report where you can see the enrollment household ID, household move-in date, the enrollment…

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  4. Often a case manager's workflow requires navigating to several screens to capture all required data (client profile, program enrollment, assessment, contact, location, etc). It would be helpful if a workflow prompt could be added at the bottom of each screen with a link to the next required screen for a particular program workflow.

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  5. In the system currently, if one has questions about a particular page, they need to open another browser tab and navigate to the Bitfocus Help Center. Once there, they need to hope they are using the correct search terms to find the information they are looking for.

    My suggestion is to have a link on each Clarity page that would take you directly to the relevant Help page(s) for additional information.

    - On the ADD A NEW PROGRAM page > Link that would take you to How To Set Up A Program: Detailed Instructions (
    - On…

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  6. Customer is looking for a way to pull daily bed utilization percentages from Looker. We can pull weekly percentages or use a Pentaho report to get daily utilization numbers but not percentages.

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  7. When a new agency is created, it is automatically created as an "Active" agency. When communities are transitioning Clarity, they may be at their active agency limit, but need to create an inactive agency to receive historical data from their legacy HMIS. This action will currently trigger automatic billing for the agency license, even though it will be inactive and should not be billed.

    Admins should be able to indicate whether an agency is Active or Inactive at the time the agency is created.

    For the same reason, it may be good to also allow admins to select the type…

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  8. HUD's new EVA data quality tool, provides a powerful resource for identifying data quality issues. However, EVA flags clients with errors and identifies them using the Personal ID. I assume this is because the Unique ID is not available in the export. I'm curious why this is. Is it possible to make the Personal ID searchable in Clarity or to replace it in the export with the Unique ID? I'm trying to find an easy way for our partner agencies to use EVA to find and correct errors, but as of now, it is not easy for them to navigate…

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  9. Currently, the outreach model in Looker does not have the option to enter which user entered a client's geolocation, the closest option is for the last user who updated the client's profile page. We have been exploring incorporating the geolocation feature in our PIT count and it would be nice to know who entered each location, especially when we are look at data a few days later. I recognize this feature is available for data entered on Encampment Teams and Map layers, so hopefully it's not much work to add to Geolocation, also. Thanks!

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  10. Currently when an outreach worker adds a geolocation in for a client, whether through the outreach map, location tab, or CLS, reporting only shows the date that it was entered, not the date that the outreach location actually is. For example, if a client's actual location date was 7/25/23 but the worker enters it on 7/27/23, reporting for the Geolocation Added Date field will only display 7/27/23, which isn't really helpful.

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  11. It would be helpful to be able to display more comprehensive history of housing program referrals in looks (i.e. history of programs a household was denied from and the reason).

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  12. Allowing providers to assign units at the acceptance of referrals will minimize the administrative burden of connecting an enrollment to the specific unit after enrollment completion. This is particularly helpful in emergency shelters.

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  13. State of California No Place Like Home funding requires reporting on current AMI levels, as of the reporting date.

    Currently, this is only available tor the Entry Screen

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  14. We are looking to have functionality created for us so that we could enter in credit instead of an expense. For instance, we pay for someone to stay at a hotel for 4 nights at $150 per night. Our fiscal department writes a check to the hotel for $650 paid upfront. The expense is then put into Clarity for check #123 for $650.

    Then later on, since the person only stayed for 3 nights, the hotel sends us a check for $150. We want to be able to enter a credit into Clarity for (their check number) in the amount…

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  15. We need a case management plan (it could be a custom assessment) that has the ability to individually print so that we can provide it to the client. Preferably they could also sign it. Unfortunately the custom forms does not provide as many features as the custom assessments or that could be a good solution.

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  16. I would love the idea to be able to edit service categories, similar to how we can edit note categories in the system.

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  17. Sometimes there is a need to print many scan cards in one session. It would be great to have an option to print a bulk amount of client scan cards in one session, versus having to go to individual profile screens and print separately.

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  18. On the Inventory Dashboard, under the Status section on Display Cards, Active statuses currently show as Blue; Inactive and Offline statuses, by contrast, are grayed out---even when an Inactive/Offline status is the current status. It would be helpful if all statuses were the same color and none were grayed out, so that end users are able to focus on what the most recent status truly is by its order in the list.

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  19. Files are displayed with the most recent ones last. Our staff frequently need to check to see if a client has a recent file of some type. Every single other tab on the Profile page is the opposite. History, Program, Contacts and Locations are all listed with the most recent at the top. Could you please make this page consistent with the rest?

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  20. Users should have the ability to create a custom notification, for example to alert them when an assessment is due or coming due. This could be similar to the notification for Annual Assessments, except able to be used with any assessment, even custom assessments

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