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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


31 results found

  1. Have a preferred name line in addition to the legal name information. I have had clients that go by their middle name, or perhaps they are transgender and they go by a different name, or they have a street name that they prefer. It is important that other providers know that a client goes by a different name. Also would be amazing if that was also searchable because sometimes you encounter someone who only tells you their street name.

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  2. We would love to sort the neighbors enrolled in outreach by case manager to look at patterns of where case managers are focusing or patterns of movement of neighbors across the community.

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  3. To be able to message your clients through the portal, and to be able to see if they have opened or not opened the email/message. Also to give the clients the ability to respond.

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  4. Requesting looker fields for encampment notes & alerts. This is critical functionality for coordination and service planning. Requesting fields to obtain the note/alert content, date created, user creating, expiration.

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  5. Hello! Our program has work we do in the community with people that we serve but don't technically become clients officially (and thus we can't collect certain information on them in the client profiles). Sometimes we host workshops or public education, and sometimes we serve anonymous clients such as via a hotline. It would be great if a program could be designated as a "general" program or something similar, where you can perform an assessment or screen that is tied to the program but not tied to a specific client. Could this be done?

    Currently we're using a workaround of…

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  6. Automatically display address, when adding a geolocation in the location tab.

    When adding a location in the location tab a geolocation marker can be selected, but the address does not appear. Please add an address filed or auto populate the address to display in the address line 2.

    The end users have to manually add the address.

    This would be a helpful tool for outreach workers, as it would allow them to quickly and easily track the locations of their clients and identify areas where there is a need for services.

    Here are some of the benefits of adding this…

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  7. Currently, count/recognition of clients residing in an encampment includes only those who enrolled in services (e.g., enrolled in Clarity/HMIS). However, there are those individuals who reside in these encampments, who are not "yet" (or may never) be interested in services - therefore, NOT enrolled in Clarity/HMIS.

    Idea: Add capability feature to account for these individuals who reside in encampments and are not enrolled in Clarity/HMIS. (Possibly with encampment profile).

    As a CoC we are not able to presently report on an "accurate" count of individuals residing in encampments (unhoused). As a CoC - and believe other CoC's experience this -…

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  8. Allow for an automatic current living situation to be entered in a client's program enrollment when they are added to the outreach map or when they move to a new location on the map.

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  9. Users have expressed scenarios when automations will not prompt the removal of a client from the outreach map when appropriate. Allowing users this ability will account for the scenarios in which automations are applicable.

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    Planned  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    Thank you for your feedback. We are in the planning phase of a feature or update related to this item.

  10. If a client has a public alert it would beneficial to have the alert icon show up in the outreach module (same place as housed status).

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  11. The labels/markers (Housed, Sheltered & Deceased) should be included in the Outreach model in looker so that sorting can be done with these labels. Users have expressed a desire to see how many clients associated with outreach have the housed label assigned to them.

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  12. When users add a client geolocation, the Modify Location window appears allowing them to add the client's location address. It would be nice to be able to add the location date right there. Otherwise, if a client is back-dating (which happens a lot on outreach), they have to wait for it to save, then re-open that specific location and edit the date. Thank you for considering!

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  13. Currently, the outreach model in Looker does not have the option to enter which user entered a client's geolocation, the closest option is for the last user who updated the client's profile page. We have been exploring incorporating the geolocation feature in our PIT count and it would be nice to know who entered each location, especially when we are look at data a few days later. I recognize this feature is available for data entered on Encampment Teams and Map layers, so hopefully it's not much work to add to Geolocation, also. Thanks!

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  14. Currently when an outreach worker adds a geolocation in for a client, whether through the outreach map, location tab, or CLS, reporting only shows the date that it was entered, not the date that the outreach location actually is. For example, if a client's actual location date was 7/25/23 but the worker enters it on 7/27/23, reporting for the Geolocation Added Date field will only display 7/27/23, which isn't really helpful.

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  15. Many communities are using the Encampment Screen to complete encampment assessments that may include scoring. Encampment screens are not compatible with assessment processors. To help improve options for scoring, I'd like to recommend the use of hidden fields. Hidden fields are commonly used in complex assessment design and this option would create more flexibility to configure scoring within the encampment screen.

    As a sample use case, I'd like to create a hidden & read only field for High Health Risk. I would add display constraints to the field so that it is only enabled when the encampment meets conditions for…

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  16. Currently when status updates are completed in the outreach module, the date always defaults to the current date. Many outreach workers are not able to enter these updates in real time so it would be very helpful to be able to back date when entering the data.

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  17. When clients receive a tag of "Housed" or "Sheltered" on the Outreach map, they should be automatically removed from either the encampment or the map. The same should happen for clients who have an address added to the Location tab, which does not qualify as a place not meant for human habitation.

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  18. We have the ability have clients automatically populate the outreach map based on location types identified. Users expressed the desire to have clients automatically removed from the outreach map based on location types identified as well.

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  19. Make tooltips text associated with data fields available on mobile devices. Currently, the tooltip text is only accessible on desktop devices.

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  20. I would like to propose a CLS notification for Street Outreach & ES projects every 90 days, to ensure that clients are not dormant in the system and they are tracked accurately to reflect their updated housing condition.

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