544 results found
Enhancing Auto Exit Monitoring in Looker for Client Enrollments
Please add a field to Looker that enables communities to easily monitor inactivity within client enrollments for activity types that trigger Auto Exit functionality. These specifications are documented in Bitfocus Help Desk articles and programmed into Clarity. The absence of a field like this in Looker hampers our ability to ensure clients are not prematurely auto-exited, making the process far more labor-intensive to monitor and spot-check than necessary.
19 votes -
Remove ability to deny a Direct Referral to a Community Queue
Currently if you deny a Direct Referral, you have the option to reassign the client to any Community Queue, regardless of if the client has an assessment for that queue (or any assessment at all). This results in an uncontrolled backdoor to ANY Community Queue.
As our community has expanded the use of Direct Referrals, we are getting individuals placed on queues that are supposed to have high thresholds for placement, or that are only intended for certain subpopulations. This function subverts the logic that you need an assessment to be placed on a queue, which is consistent everywhere else…
6 votes -
Pronouns for Care Team Members
Currently, users don't have the option to add or display their pronouns within Clarity. I'm suggesting that when a new staff account is created there is a field for adding the staff member's pronouns. These pronouns should then be displayed along with the user's name and contact information when they are members of a client's care team.
1 vote -
Add version number on intake forms from Bitfocus
We have agencies who have client records from years ago and use the Clarity Intake/Exit/Assessment forms. They sometimes get confused on the verison that was used to what is being used now. If Bitfocus can add a version number to these forms (I recommend on top where the header is) to allow Case Managers the ability to tell what version of the from was used for that client.
1 vote -
Access roles assigned to specific assessments
When we create access roles in Clarity we can toggle on the ability to edit, delete, or create assessments with a client but it buckets all of the assessments together. It would be helpful to be able to select which assessments are assigned to which access role. For example, there should be a prevention assessor access role that allows users to complete that assessment but NOT complete the VI-SPDAT assessment.
4 votes -
Create a standard report for CE Events provided by "regular" programs, not just the "CE System Program".
We have "non-CE System" programs called RAP "Regional Assistance Program" that provide CE events. There is no standard report that provides information about those events. The "CE APR" comes up blank when I run it on the RAP programs. We could use a report that organizes the CE event information. Data Analysis reports are really just a list of what was done.
1 vote -
Ability to assign two people to one bed
We currently have to create two beds and link them together (Bed 1 and Bed 1A) to show that two people are occupying the same bed.
1 vote -
Make it possible to hide units on the inventory dashboard by making either the site or building inactive, not by individual units
You can not "mass hide" units that are not ready to come online. This is a problem we ran into. We are configuring hundreds of units, but can't hide the ones that aren't ready yet - they still show up under "beds/units" and the inventory dashboard. We tried making the site, building and UCT inactive, but that doesn't work. We learned the only way to hide the rooms was to make each bed offline or give it a future date - impossible to do with hundreds of units . If making the Site, building or UCT could hide the actual…
2 votes -
When a user assigned to a Care Team is deactivated in Clarity, automate an end date to the Care Team assignment
When users are deactivated in the system, they remain as active members of a client's Care Team. This impacts reports that show "active care team members." It would be great to automate an end date to the Care Team member when their account is deactivated in HMIS.
13 votes -
Preferred Name Line
Have a preferred name line in addition to the legal name information. I have had clients that go by their middle name, or perhaps they are transgender and they go by a different name, or they have a street name that they prefer. It is important that other providers know that a client goes by a different name. Also would be amazing if that was also searchable because sometimes you encounter someone who only tells you their street name.
10 votes -
Approximate or partial DOB
Since the Quality of Date of Birth field can be reported as "approximate or partial DOB reported" the system should allow users to record a partial DOB.
Perhaps allow 00 (zeros) to be used in the date of birth field- ex. 00/00/2003
Some providers, such as DV agencies, may only collect partial DOBs (just the year) and don't want to record false day/ month data.
4 votes -
It would be great if customers could color customization their live and training instances.
It would be fantastic if customers could customize the colors of their live and training instances.
1 vote -
Ability to edit denial dates
Having the ability to edit incorrect denial dates is very important for data quality in our CES/CoC. Users enter denial dates and they often don’t reflect the proper date. As of now, we are able to click into the denial date and enter a new one, but get an error message when trying to save changes.
11 votes -
Looker Field for Notes & Alerts
Requesting looker fields for encampment notes & alerts. This is critical functionality for coordination and service planning. Requesting fields to obtain the note/alert content, date created, user creating, expiration.
1 vote -
Data Analysis: Unpublish Custom Fields
When utilizing Looker/Data Analysis, custom Clarity fields can be published to Data Analysis and then never used or a field becomes retired with an older workflow/process.
Adding functionality to allow users to 'unpublish' fields from Data Analysis would allow analysts to remove unneeded fields from their field toolbars allowing for more streamlined field selection and improved overall model performance.
Unpublishing fields should be associated with an access role to ensure users that are unpublishing custom fields are not removing fields and breaking content with it.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
5 votes -
Additional User Policy
Allow additional agreements to be added under user policy section of the settings page without modifying the existing agreement.
1 vote -
Multi-Select Fields Available for Individual Reporting
Currently, the multi- select values are reportable as a single string. It would be great to be able to report on (Looker) individual values in the selection, similarly to the reporting options for the new Gender and Race and Ethnicity fields?
2 votes -
Ability to set min/max on custom fields when the Field Type is Number
For custom fields where the Field Type is set to Number, we would like the ability to set minimum & maximum values for the data entered.
For our use case, we are trying to record the number of residents within a given encampment who are either engaged or not engaged based on their current sleeping location. However, the field currently allows negative numbers to be recorded which should never be the case and would negatively affect our client counts in Looker.2 votes -
Option to make Referral Denial Information box required
We would like the option to make Referral Denial Information box required. We review the data and it would be helpful to always know more information to ensure the correct selection was made based on our shared definitions of the options.
3 votes -
Hosting of Custom Client Forms
There should be a way for custom forms to be uploaded to Clarity instead of building out a form within Clarity's "Client Forms" tool. The "Client Forms" tool is tool located at: Grid / Waffle --> Settings --> Client Forms.
We have created forms in-house that are far more robust than what we can build out through the Client Forms build tool. These are blank and fillable PDF files that we would like uploaded to Clarity for field staff to use instead of whatever is built out within Clarity.
Ideally, this custom Client Form, would open the same way by…
2 votes
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