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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


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556 results found

  1. Would like to have a way to mark a record for when a consumer passes away.

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  2. Have the ability to merge three fields at once.

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  3. The field ( is only available to be used in the Client Contacts tab. Unfortunately it's the only field that provides a data quality component around email addresses. If you enter text that doesn't include the @symbol, it won't let you save, and an error pops up saying "Please include an @ in the email address". In addition, under the field you see in red "Email is not a valid email address." If you add an email address to any other screen or assessment you cannot embed the requirement for an @ symbol. It would help to have this

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  4. Add QR code generator
    Reason: The QR code can be used to identify hard copies associated with clients or be used when scanning the documents so that system can automatically upload the file to system for respective client.

    How: add QR section so users can select from file dropdown (allow multiple select and number to generate). Generate a pdf with QR codes.
    Allow users to add QR code to scanned/uploaded files. Users can edit how the QR displays on file.
    If file has QR code, indicate in the File section of HMIS.
    If possible, add QR code to files already…

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  5. Add ability to convert screens into forms.
    Reason: Administrators often need to create their own forms for general use or specific populations. When screens are updated, the forms need to be updated as well.
    How: Allow admin to select screens (client profile, enrollment screens, assessment screens) and their respective fields. Convert fields to form fields. Include the ability to generate a file in multiple formats and or link to post to website.
    The selected fields will display as they do on their respective screen, but users may edit.
    If possible, convert the constraints to fields. For example, if a field…

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  6. Add additional settings to screens to allow data entry edits/updates.

    Reason: While some processes may require the screens to be edited/updated by the user when there is incorrect data entry other processes may need to prevent these types of edits.
    How: This additional setting will allow administrators to determine if the screen is editable/updatable and how many times a user can edit/update. Add checkbox “allow edits” and if checked add number of types to allow edits. Add banner to show if screen is editable/updatable or has edit limits.

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  7. For files being uploaded, add date field, expire countdown field, expire period field, flag and reminder settings.

    Reason: Some processes require documents to be current, adding a date field, countdown flag, and document expiration period may help keep records organized.

    How: Date field will be used as the start date for the countdown timer/flag.
    Users can select or enter a number for how long, “expire period field”, the document is good for. For example, a document with a date of 01/01/2024 and an expiration period field of 30 days would be good for 30 days starting and including on 01/01/2024…

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  8. Our CoC is wanting to update our Policies and Procedures to allow clients to view their full HMIS record. We want to be able to pull a report for a single client that shows all of their responses to all screens, including entry, assessment, services, case notes, exit screens, etc., but the report needs to be dynamic to show the data elements that exist on that specific screen because different screens have different data elements.

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  9. For strict case management users, it would be helpful to be able to create custom profile screens that exclude the HUD data elements. Currently, even if an agency or user doesn't need to collect things like DQ of name or Social Security Number, these elements are still required.

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  10. For group enrollments, the option to remove a program exit (reopen a client enrollment) should be an option to reopen the enrollment for one or multiple household members.

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  11. It would be helpful to be able to attach files to messages sent within the internal Clarity messaging system.

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  12. The existing dimensions within the "Is Last Enrollment" view of the Looker HMIS Performance model rank enrollments based on the [Project Start Date] and then [Enrollment ID]; however, in some cases the user needs to be able to limit to each client's last active enrollment in a reporting period as opposed to the last initiated one. This is most relevant when needing to establish whether a client is a "stayer" or a "leaver" for a set of projects in a period.

    The proposed solution is to create addition dimensions within the "Is Last Enrollment" view that rank in the following…

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  13. When you create a new funding source, the picklist currently has options for HUD: COC - Homeless Preventions, HUD: COC - Supportive Services Only, HUD: ESG - Street Outreach, etc. etc. etc., then lets you put in the fund start date, Grant ID, Grant start date, amount.

    Make it so that the "Funding Source" picklist only shows the base type of funding, such as, "HUD: COC", "HUD: ESG", "VA: VASH", etc. removing the subtype of funding, the "- Supportive Services Only", "- Rapid Re-Housing", etc. part of the funding source.

    Make it so that once the fund type has been…

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  14. User Story:

    Per HUD standards, we are to enroll each client we encounter into our Street Outreach program and document a CLS Assessment. However, a majority of the interactions our team has is with clients that refuse to provide any identifying information, much less answer any of the intake questions.

    Is there any way that a toggle can be implemented into an enrollment form that will automatically answer each intake question with "Client Prefers not to Answer"? If not each question, at least most of them?

    This will alleviate data entry fatigue for staff documenting the many clients that refuse…

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  15. As a Care Coordinator for Urban Alchemy, it would be beneficial for there to be a search option when looking for a specific room/unit in the Inventory, instead of having to scroll through an entire roster of rooms/units to find the one I'm looking for. Sometimes the information is needed quickly and the current way of using the Inventory doesn't allow for a quick search. Priority: Level 1

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  16. All services automatically have a "Service Note" field where notes can be entered. Agencies have requested that this field be disabled for some of their services as they do not want staff inputting notes here. However, there is not an ability to do this on the back end. It would be helpful if when setting up services, admins would have the ability to enable or disable the "Services Notes" field from displaying.

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  17. It would be helpful if the system had a warning built in that alerts you when a program is about to be deleted, but it has a CE assessment attached to it. Currently if you delete an enrollment where a CE assessment has been created, the CE assessment will remain without the program enrollment. However without the program enrollment the assessment no longer qualifies as coordinated entry.

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  18. Reason: Move-in date is added to the current head of household at entry, and it is not visible to other members' enrollment or their database records.

    Logic: Looker already has a Household Move-In Date field so just apply the same logic for the live marker.

    Outcome: When this live marker is added to screens, it will display the current head of household move-in date from the entry screen. Since live markers added to screens show up in the database, client records would also have this field...might need to make this dynamic in the database so that historical move-in dates are…

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  19. The new Add Client button has no hints to tell the user what it does. There is no tooltip, and there is no "URL hint" that appears when you hover over it. Please add some text to the button so users know what it does.

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  20. Add the ability to customize labels.
    Have the ability to bold, not capitalize labels, and italicize words on screen labels.

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