22 results found
Funder-specific Role
Allow for role to be limited by program funding. For example, auditors from the city that manage ESG funding for programs want to log in to HMIS and view data and client records for just ESG funded projects. Departments will not work because ESG funds programs across different agencies / organizations.
4 votes -
Add version number on intake forms from Bitfocus
We have agencies who have client records from years ago and use the Clarity Intake/Exit/Assessment forms. They sometimes get confused on the verison that was used to what is being used now. If Bitfocus can add a version number to these forms (I recommend on top where the header is) to allow Case Managers the ability to tell what version of the from was used for that client.
1 vote -
An Access Role where the user can create new client records and edit them, but only have Read-Only access to all other clients
When training new HMIS users, we want them to practice creating new client records and editing the data in those records they have created. We also want them to be able to search for and read through other client records that others have created.
However, we DO NOT want them to be able to alter client records made by others. We have found that in the course of their training, trainees sometimes make accidental or uninformed changes to other client records. This results in the altered client record being partially inaccurate, inconsistent, and/or confusing. It takes us countless hours to…
1 vote -
Strip PHI/PII from ALL reports by using a "Toggle Button." This would allow for ease of sharing information between partners, grantees, etc by allowing users the ability to use share reports instead of deleting going into files then self deleting all information or guessing what information should be removed before sharing a report.
5 votes -
Ability to trigger emails after an action is completed in HMIS
It would be FANTASTIC if we could set up automatic custom notifications to be sent out to the user email or a designated email when an action takes place in HMIS. For example an email is sent to the program director when someone is enrolled in their program. Another example would be an email is sent to the CES team email when someone is entered into outreach and needs an assessment completed. This could bridge some of our process together between platforms and it would take us to the next level!
3 votes -
Tool to update case manager
When a case manager leaves an agency AAs are having a difficult time reassigning clients to another case manager. Some case managers will have a case load of over 100 clients. It would be great to have a tool for system administrators to remove the case manager and assign the clients to another case manager.
4 votes -
Make Agency Overview screen and associated questions/fields visible to System Admins
The Agency Overview (AO) screen is not included in the list of screens accessible to Admins through the System Setup workspace. Not being able to view the screen means admins cannot see the relationship between questions and fields for reporting purposes.
Similarly, I noticed two other places where the omission of the AO screen appears to have an impact:
1) Fields unique to the AO screen do not appear in the Field Editor list;
2) Questions and Fields unique to the AO screen do not appear in the Question and Clarity Fields views, respectively, found in the Project Descriptor model…2 votes -
Inclusion of all Agency Overview screen fields in Looker
The fields from the Agency Overview screen are mostly stored in the Project Descriptor model of Looker under the "Agency" view. However, not all fields from that screen are represented, and they don't appear to exist anywhere else in Looker.
Can the fields associated with the following questions from the Agency Overview screen be added to the Agency view in the Project Descriptor model?
- Navigation Profile
- Default User Home Screen
- Dashboard
- Open Units Report
- Staff Inventory Access
2 votes -
Private Toggle on the Location Tab
Users have expressed a desire to have a Private Toggle on the Location tab, and/or within individual client locations, so that when a client does not want to share that information with others, it can be hidden, but still visible to the entering agency.
2 votes -
Ability To Hide Names in Recent Clients List
For security, it would be great to have the ability to either hide the names in Recent Clients list or to show their searchable ID's instead of names. This would be helpful when working in an open office environment and you want to access the client search screen.
3 votes -
Email Functionality
Users should be able to control their email settings to permit or prohibit certain types of auto-notifications.
6 votes -
Include referral notes in Basic Shared with access rights toggle
We're having an issue where certain housing navigators are not able to see or leave referral notes if they are not working under an agency that sent or is receiving the referral. Our community voted to set Service/Programs/Assessments/Events Placed as "basic shared," and because these are all grouped together, we can't open up sharing for referrals for certain access roles because the agency sharing settings override any access role permissions. A solution to this would be to include referral notes in Basic Shared, since leaving a note is not changing the status or behavior of the referral in any way.…
15 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
auto exits: include notes as an active activity to retain clients active in program
Allow for the notes to be included as an eligible activity to retain clients in program even when the auto exit toggle is activated.
3 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Updating the client forms to allow for further development and/or downloading form already in existence from the customer
Updating the client forms to allow for further development changes in font color, inclusion of custom logos, underline, font picklist, just like any other document that can be helpful and/or allow to download customers existing forms to update for the signature line or witness signature line, date, etc.
11 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Utilize more recent satellite imagery
I've noticed the imagery available in the Outreach module appears to be older than what’s available on Google Maps, making it more difficult to pinpoint where encampments are based on foliage and landmarks.
Another idea that would help in similar cases is allowing encampment locations to be entered manually as lon/lat coordinates. It could use that location as a node from which the shape of the encampment could be drawn.
4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Allow end users to download and print form pages
For agencies who are trying to save time, it would be very beneficial to have a download/print function within Clarity, tied to the enrollment form. Some agencies can enter directly into HMIS, and do not need a paper copy, but there are many agencies who are required to store paper forms. They have to do their enrollments on paper forms, then enter into HMIS. If you could print the form, it would save them a lot of time. Currently, when you print an enrollment form using the basic web browser function, it does not retain the responses to checkboxes, such…
15 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Email sent out to Navigator when assigned in Community Queue
When a Navigator is assigned in the Community Queue, it will help tremendously if the Navigator receives an email to know she/he has been assigned a new client. This will avoid having to do an extra step of having to email the Navigator.
9 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Allow private clients when tied to multiple agencies
Update the Client Privacy functionality to allow for marking clients private even when they are associated with multiple agencies. Currently, this option is disabled if the client has multiple agencies working with them, and there are cumbersome workarounds to get the client data protected when needed. This enhancement should allow us to mark the client private, and then data will be limited to the agencies that are currently working with the client. Our local consent revocation policies state that any previously shared information will still be shared if a client revokes consent, and data will, moving forward, be limited to…
7 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Clearer sharing settings
This is two requests:
Clearer descriptions of current sharing settings
More flexibility than current sharing settings allow4 votesThank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
1 vote
Thank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
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