Make Agency Overview screen and associated questions/fields visible to System Admins
The Agency Overview (AO) screen is not included in the list of screens accessible to Admins through the System Setup workspace. Not being able to view the screen means admins cannot see the relationship between questions and fields for reporting purposes.
Similarly, I noticed two other places where the omission of the AO screen appears to have an impact:
1) Fields unique to the AO screen do not appear in the Field Editor list;
2) Questions and Fields unique to the AO screen do not appear in the Question and Clarity Fields views, respectively, found in the Project Descriptor model within Looker.
My understanding is that the AO screen and its elements are hidden because they are not editable. Even if customization is not an option, a way to view the screen as read-only would be helpful for understanding the setup logic of the database.
In my mind, this isn't a pressing issue, but I'm hoping it's an easy one to solve.