121 results found
Add Expiration Date to Electronic Signature for ROI
When setting up an Electronic Signature for a Release of Information, you can populate the form with Signature, Checkboxes, Client Full Name, and Current Date. We would like to be able to also insert an expiration date. The expiration date should pull the data from the End Date field on the previous screen. This would allow End Users to record expiration dates other than 3 year terms in the ROI. Without this, End Users can input a different expiration date in the set-up screen but the date will not be recorded on the Electronic Signature PDF of the ROI.
3 votesAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Option to restrict users from adding Vendors
When selecting a vendor in the Service screen, the system currently allows the user to add an option not listed in the Vendor dropdown. It then adds the string the user typed in to the list of Vendor records for their agency. It would be nice to be able to enable/disable this capability for specific services.
2 votesAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Leave Off Date of Engagement when Cascading
It would be great if the cascading on an entry screen would default to NOT include the Date of Engagement. We've seen many enrollment records with dates of engagements that are < the program start date because of cascading, followed by not reviewing data on the new screen before submitting.
Thank you for considering this change.
7 votesAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Improve idle dialogue box functionality
Hello Bitfocus,
Clarity's "Are you still there?" dialog box interferes with my work and causes mistakes, as it often pops up in the middle of my typing. Could you please enhance the Clarity user interface to check for recent user activity (such as keyboard typing, mouse-clicking, tapping, etc) before deciding to display that dialog box?
Thanks for your consideration.
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Set up custom queue removals for auto removal from pending tabs
When using the auto removal from agency pending tabs to send back to the queue, it would be great if systems could set up custom denial types and reasons, for example now, if a household does not engage, it is a provider Denial, and the removal is expired. With the APR for CE, it looked like MANY providers denied people from programming, which is absolutely not the case, the household fell out of contact, we'd like the expired to be "Client". I"m sure there are may other ways we can use this, and if we could edit this field, we…
1 voteAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Medicaid eligibility
Medicaid eligibility is significant. Massachusetts Medicaid supports mental health services.
When we know that a client is Medicaid eligible, we can be confident that they will have a service package available. It would be a tremendous help to the case manager / CE staff or Sys Navigators to know this.
Medicaid in Mass has an ANSI standard electronic data interchange(EDI) that allows eligibility to be checked using a WSDL or SOAP style connection. It would be great to have an integration with Clarity for eligibility to be displayed in the system.
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Improving 'Select All' when deleting bed night reservations
Currently, when you go to delete bed night reservations from Clarity, there is a 'Select All' button at the top of the interface. However, this 'Select All' option only selects the reservation records that are visible on the current page of the interface. If there are multiple pages of bed night reservations, users have to click the 'Select All' button on each page, deleting records one page at a time, and then repeating the process for all subsequent pages associated with the reservations. It would be much more ideal if the 'Select All' button actually selected all records on every…
1 voteAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
More flexibility with sharing set up. Sharing should be on a project level, not an agency level.
Should also be able to pick what agencies and programs can see a client file per what the client would like. Right now the sharing is extremely restricting and causes issue with programs like RHY, who are not allowed to share clients that are 17 and under. If an agency has RHY, CoC and ESG funding this makes set up difficult and can cause users to make major errors and share files they should not be sharing.1 voteAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Client Search returns matches in Middle Name field and/or Custom Fields, not just First/Last Name
Bronze medal solution: Client Search parses Middle Name field too
Gold medal solution: Create a setting to allow us to select which fields (including custom fields) that are searched by Client Search. That way we could set it to search through a custom field like Maiden Name.2 votesAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Configure a random assignment referral setting for the Community Queue
We are using Clarity HMIS and our single Community Queue for our Emergency Rental Assistance Programs, and want to ensure clients are being equally referred without preference to the agencies administering the program. Our Homeless Prevention Programs Coordinator came up with the idea of a "lottery"-type referral process.
Would it be possible to configure something like a random “lottery”-type referral setting that would send an equal number of referrals to each Agency?
2 votesAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Automate unlocking account and password resets
When a user forgets their password or if they try multiple times and get their account locked, allow them the option to change their password automatically. By clicking a forgot password link, the system will automatically send them an email to the address we have on their profile. Clicking that link will send them to a webpage where they can change the password (and unlock the account if needed).
Allow CoC's to have a customized message instructing the users the phone number and email to reach out to if they are continuing to have login issues.
1 voteAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
UI Enhancement
Could you please change the Clarity user interface to check for keystrokes/mouse clicks before asking whether or not I am using Clarity?
Right now it seems to ask after a certain period of time regardless of whether or not I am actively using the product. Sometimes Clarity even interrupts what I am typing to ask if I am still using it! Haha
Thanks, Kevin Rothwell
6 votesAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
Add New Option on Services to Allow/Disallow Future Dates
Can we add a feature that will allow sys. admins to control whether or not users can date services past present date? i.e.: a on/off toggle that can be toggled off, if we don't want users to extend their service dates past today's date.
Reason for this being that many users are getting complacent in recording bed services, so instead of manually inputting services for a day at a time, they record for weeks to months resulting in inaccurate data and reporting.
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Allow Admins to Establish an Alternate Default Date for Screens/Assessments
When completing a Screen or Assessment, the date defaults to the current date. Customers sometimes have a need to backdate multiple Screens/Assessments. In that case, it might be more helpful to set a different default date or perhaps to have the date to be blank and forcing a user to select a date.
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Extend Duration of Time Period for Reactivated Staff Accounts to be Accessed by User
When an inactive staff account is made active again, the impacted user must log in to the account by midnight of the same day. This is not always enough time so customers would like the option to extend the amount of time the user has to access the newly-reactivated staff account.
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Display all queue names at once
Display multiple queues (that require scrolling) in a drop-down menu or vertical view rather than horizontal view
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Auto-Assigned Services Extension
Add a feature that allows admin to extend all expired services associated with a program with one click
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When searching for STAFF, add the Agency as part of search criteria
It would save many clicks if Managers and System Administrators could search by agency name when doing a Staff search on the Manage --> Staff tab. For instances of Clarity with many users, this would save time and make administering the system easier.
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Create Sharable Groups for Direct Referrals
Create sharing groups for direct referrals that can be programmed by project type. This would allow for agencies to ensure staff only had access to the referrals that they had the authority to refer to.
4 votesAs part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.
pop up for household issues
Can there be a pop up to confirm Program Group Members that differ from the Global Household Members?
For example, if not all current members of a Household were enrolled in the program, a pop up would ask end user to confirm this is correct. This would encourage the end user to review the Global Household and Program Group Members for accuracy.
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