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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


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121 results found

  1. It would be great if the cascading on an entry screen would default to NOT include the Date of Engagement. We've seen many enrollment records with dates of engagements that are < the program start date because of cascading, followed by not reviewing data on the new screen before submitting.

    Thank you for considering this change.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  2. The Problem:
    The pagination at the bottom of a list (<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | >>) won’t let me click the link to the next page even though I’m over the right box. This seems to be because the link (<a>) is only wrapping the text (“1”), so the cursor has to be directly over the text. With numbers like “1”, this is a rather frustrating practice in dexterity.

    The Solution/Suggestion:
    I think that if the <a> tag were wrapping the <li> element instead, this would make the whole box clickable, instead of just the text. At…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  3. Our HMIS team spends a great deal of time trying to anticipate how updates to Looker and Clarity will impact existing reports and functionality used to meet our community's needs, testing once the updates have launched, and fixing broken reports when possible. It would be helpful if Bitfocus could provide a detailed list of projects in advance of building them out and provide customers an opportunity to offer feedback on how these updates will impact our communities so that can be considered before building out the changes.

    From a Clarity perspective, the Legacy Services Funding report filter is critical for…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  4. Customer would like the option to auto-populate the response to Data Element 3.08 based on the criteria described in the 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards

    System Logic and Other System Issues: Disabling Condition may either be entered by the user independently of any other special need field (4.05 - 4.10), or data in this field may be autopopulated based on the responses to ‘ability to live independently’ for 4.05, 4.07, 4.09 or 4.10 or an answer of ‘Yes’ to 4.06 or 4.08. If the system auto-populates Disabling Condition, a user must be able to override a systemgenerated ‘No’ with ‘Yes.’…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  5. Could you please change the Clarity user interface to check for keystrokes/mouse clicks before asking whether or not I am using Clarity?

    Right now it seems to ask after a certain period of time regardless of whether or not I am actively using the product. Sometimes Clarity even interrupts what I am typing to ask if I am still using it! Haha

    Thanks, Kevin Rothwell

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  6. Some programs do not use a model where the enrolling staff person is the one the client is "assigned to." For example, our Front Door Triage program enrolls guests in shelter, at which point a responsible staff member is not known. The current behavior is that the staff person who completes the enrollment is the one who is "assigned," which is not accurate. (And it is currently used as a proxy for who did the enrollment, which is a terrible assumption - the enrolling staff should be listed on the history/program tab instead). For these programs, Agency Managers/System Admins should…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  7. We often have a need to add bed slots or move them around. Once added, it does not seem to be possible to reorder these slots, they just appear in the order they were created. On the attendance/reservation screen, you see the slots sorted by section and then the slot #, not a slot name (and you cannot change the slot number). If things are out of order accidentally or changed later, this becomes problematic in terms of how staff are viewing the attendance module. Please either give us the ability to reorder slots or to sort by name of…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  8. To prevent data errors in the future, please have by default SSN “000-00-0000” when Quality of SSN = Client doesn’t know, Client refused and Data not collected” selected by users.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  9. Create sharing groups for direct referrals that can be programmed by project type. This would allow for agencies to ensure staff only had access to the referrals that they had the authority to refer to.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  10. It would be helpful to have active enrollments displayed in the search results.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  11. We would encourage the new Inventory management module that was announced for June 2021 to have management of landlords/property owners built in. We manage inventory for rapid rehousing programs and scattered-site housing programs. Up until now, we have had to track that information outside of Clarity. This includes information like property owner documents as well as contacts with those landlords. It would be extremely helpful for this work to be able to be tracked in Clarity.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  12. The search feature in Clarity disregards special characters such as an accent mark ( ' ) and also disregards any letters included in the name before the accent mark. For example, if you search for D' Andre the Clarity client search will prioritize results which include Andre in the first or last name (such as Andre, Andrea, Andrew, Andrews) over the client's name D'Andre which shows up several pages into the search.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  13. Could a checkbox be placed on the profile page to indicate the client is an adult when a full DOB is not available, which could then trigger the required data elements to be collected? This would make it uniform across the board on how data is entered instead of using unrealistic dates, collecting adult data for a child or visa versa not collecting all the adult data.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  14. Our search results screen has name, alias, DOB, and SSN. Clarity unique identifier is notably absent. You have to click into the client profile to get the Clarity unique identifier. Why not save a step?

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  15. Add ability to bold, change case, add bullets to labels on screens

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

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  16. We are not able to use services for most of our data collection needs, despite measuring a lot of securing or discussing benefits, items, identification, etc. That is because we need to measure whether a given item or benefit is just discussed as a topic, applied or attempted to acquire, secured, etc. Adding a couple optional questions that managers could configure to track the stages of a referral would meet so many more data collection needs, and allow us to actually use services.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

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  17. Please allow Agency Managers to set up custom assessments and fields, if/when allowed and configured by System Administrators.
    For certain communities, agencies have a lot of expertise in designing and conducting monitoring and evaluation and have been driving this for years if not decades. Please consider a platform to allow Agency Managers to design fields, assessments, and screens.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

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  18. The ability to assign Departments when adding additional agency access to user accounts.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  19. Customers have requested the ability to export multiple file attachments associated with a client record.

    One use case related to to integration of HMIS with a Health Information Exchange.

    In another use case, the customer would like to share housing application data collected as PDF's in Clarity by sending it directly to housing providers/landlords.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  20. When setting up an Electronic Signature for a Release of Information, you can populate the form with Signature, Checkboxes, Client Full Name, and Current Date. We would like to be able to also insert an expiration date. The expiration date should pull the data from the End Date field on the previous screen. This would allow End Users to record expiration dates other than 3 year terms in the ROI. Without this, End Users can input a different expiration date in the set-up screen but the date will not be recorded on the Electronic Signature PDF of the ROI.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

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