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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


25 results found

  1. Currently, you have to specify a period of time to make units automatically offline at program exit. It would be useful to have an option to make units offline indefinitely with no offline end date. To get around this, we make the offline period a very long time, but then users are confused about this random end date way out in the future. Also, users cannot clear out the end date from the Inventory dashboard, which would be very helpful.

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  2. It is very time-consuming to set up thousands of units individually. When units share similar characteristics, it would save a significant amount of time if multiple units could be set up at once by adding a "Create Multiple Units" feature, similar to posting multiple units using Availability.

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  3. Having a project type field on the UCT screen causes confusion because reports pull the project type of the program connected to INVENTORY. If the field on the UCT screen does not match the program's project type, this has been a source of data quality issues. When these DQ issues occur, this cannot be fixed by a sys admin.

    It appears the purpose of the field on the UCT screen is to control what bed dedication fields appear on the UCT screen. If the project type field is removed from the UCT screen, a program could be connected to the…

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  4. Clarity currently lets users update an enrollment's program start date to be later than the assigned unit start date. When a user then tries to exit the client from the program, they get a cryptic error message that is currently confusing to users. Users currently don't understand why they are unable to exit a client from the program by viewing this error message alone. Error message is as follows: "Please correct errors. Start Date should be greater than or equal to [program start date]."

    It would be more helpful for users if the error message was more specific to the…

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  5. Because of the LSA, we found out we had closed out programs that still had inventories open. Please make it so that the system ends everything with an open date with the same ending date as the program end date. There's no reason to have open bed inventory when the program ends.

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  6. You can not "mass hide" units that are not ready to come online. This is a problem we ran into. We are configuring hundreds of units, but can't hide the ones that aren't ready yet - they still show up under "beds/units" and the inventory dashboard. We tried making the site, building and UCT inactive, but that doesn't work. We learned the only way to hide the rooms was to make each bed offline or give it a future date - impossible to do with hundreds of units . If making the Site, building or UCT could hide the actual…

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  7. As a Care Coordinator for Urban Alchemy, it would be beneficial for there to be a search option when looking for a specific room/unit in the Inventory, instead of having to scroll through an entire roster of rooms/units to find the one I'm looking for. Sometimes the information is needed quickly and the current way of using the Inventory doesn't allow for a quick search. Priority: Level 1

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  8. We currently have to create two beds and link them together (Bed 1 and Bed 1A) to show that two people are occupying the same bed.

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  9. Currently, it's only possible to turn checkbox and picklist field types into custom filters on the INVENTORY dashboard. With the introduction of the Multi-Select field type, many communities are interested in seeing this field type made available as a custom filter type for the INVENTORY dashboard. This would allow customers to have more dynamic control over how they identify appropriate units and beds for client referrals.

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  10. Hello! One thing that came up in a past support ticket was that, if I can't proactively know how many family members will occupy a unit, I was told to just have a larger bed size to prevent needing to change the unit configuration with each new family. This is fine, but does create the issue that the inventory page flags the unit as "available" even when people are currently in it.

    One idea would be to make three categories: available, occupied, and fully occupied. Another idea could be to make a middle category such as available, partially occupied, and…

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  11. Hello! I ran into an issue where I needed to add a newborn family member to the housing inventory for compliance reasons, but I could not add a bed to the unit without changing the unit configuration, and could not change the unit configuration while someone was occupying the space. It would be great if we could add members of the same family all at once (and retroactively in this case), or just allow us to change unit configurations with fewer restrictions.

    More broadly, just being able to add multiple family members to the same unit without having to do…

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  12. After a referral to a unit is made from the community queue, a provider enrolls a client to the corresponding program and the client is automatically added to the unit in the referral, both with the current date. However, for Permanent Housing projects, when a Housing Move-In Date is entered, the user has to then manually update the unit start date to reflect the true first night that the client moved into and slept in the unit. Functionality that would allow the Unit Start Date to update based on the Housing Move-In Date entered would help improve this workflow.

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  13. Inventory allows the flexibility to connect units to multiple programs under the same building. Many communities have configured Inventory this way and want to see unit information by program, not building. However, there isn't a program's agency field available.

    Adding a program's agency filter to the Inventory module would allow users to view the information by program. Additionally, having a field in Looker available for program agency will also aid in creating custom reports.

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  14. Customers have asked for the ability to update the status of multiple units at one time (update in a batch). For example, a building and units were set up to prepare for a new building to come online. Units were set to inactive so they would show on the dashboard until the agency was ready to begin leasing up the new building. When the agency is ready to begin lease-up, they need to change hundreds of units to active.

    As a property manager, I want to update the status of multiple units at one time so that I can efficiently…

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  15. When you create a site of type "Standalone Unit", the system creates a default Building called "Standalone Site Building". If you have multiple sites of this type, you cannot tell them apart in the filter. Please update the naming convention to include the site name in some fashion. That puts the onus on us, the customer, to choose distinct Site Names, which I think is appropriate. I suggest "Standalone" + "Site Name", but I am open to other ideas.

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  16. Communities want staff to be able to access units and update units' status from the Inventory module (dashboard) without having to change agency access. They feel that if staff have system-level to the module and edit unit status permissions, they should be able to update the status for the units they have access to.

    Communities may have buildings where the agency that provides services changes over time. In these scenarios, they may set up all buildings under one agency to streamline their setup. In that case, the user's home agency may differ from the agency where the building is setup.…

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  17. Currently, Inventory screens are system-level screens that cannot be copied. For a statewide instance of Clarity, each CoC operates as a separate system. Each CoC manages its housing stock, they have separate CE systems, and reporting is completed by each CoC.

    Each CoC may want to implement Inventory but need to record different information using custom fields on the housing inventory screens.

    Since the Inventory screens cannot be copied, each CoC would either need to agree on a set of custom fields, see each other's fields, or use complex constraints and configurations to hide the fields from each CoC, making…

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  18. Currently, the INVENTORY dashboard can be shared by Agency, Coordinated Entry Group, or at the System level. For a statewide instance of Clarity, each CoC operates as a separate system. For this reason, it would be beneficial if the INVENTORY dashboard shared shared by CoC instead of systemwide. This way units made in one CoC are not visible to the entire instance when the sharing setting is set to System.

    This was an idea brought forward during discussions with Washington Commerce and King County.

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  19. When creating an inventory record for a program and selecting 'Households with only children' for the 'Household Type', the toggle for 'Youth-Veterans' should not appear. Because the inventory is for persons who are 17 years of age or younger and veterans must be at least 18 years old, it is not possible for a project serving 'Households with only children' to have beds dedicated to youth veterans.

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  20. Allowing providers to assign units at the acceptance of referrals will minimize the administrative burden of connecting an enrollment to the specific unit after enrollment completion. This is particularly helpful in emergency shelters.

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