Allow modifying of units/unit configuration while a family occupies it to prevent circumstantial issues
Hello! I ran into an issue where I needed to add a newborn family member to the housing inventory for compliance reasons, but I could not add a bed to the unit without changing the unit configuration, and could not change the unit configuration while someone was occupying the space. It would be great if we could add members of the same family all at once (and retroactively in this case), or just allow us to change unit configurations with fewer restrictions.
More broadly, just being able to add multiple family members to the same unit without having to do extra steps (or without needing proactive foresight for order of operations) would be really appreciated! I know there's a feature to not associate clients to beds in units, but at time of writing it seems to work best when you only have individuals occupying the room in general.
Thank you for this consideration!