Ability to Edit/Backdate Referrals
In order to clean up our Coordinated Entry and Community Queue data, we sometimes need to re-enter/edit/backdate referrals. Our COC analyzes metrics like time between referral date to housing, referral date to program entry, etc. and applying the current system date when adding a referral isn't always accurate.
Lisa Berding commented
This topic is extremely important to our community as well. Being able to reopen and connect expired referrals or referrals that have been removed from the the queue is imperative to documentation and reports.
Iraida Vazquez commented
Seeing this is started does this include the ability to edit the referral reassigned date, referral status, and referral connection date as well? I added additional user voice tickets to the ideas system since it's not clear what is included in the "started" of allowing backdating functionality. Any updates would be helpful to avoid needless feature enhancement request being submitted.
Jennifer Allen commented
Basically our CE APR is incorrect and will never be correct because we are unable to edit or correct referrals that were end dated incorrectly and not connected to the Program Enrollment as they should have been.
Meghan Morrow commented
We have 5+ CoCs that find the referral workflow very restricting. Not being able to clean up referrals if there was a mistake made is restricting and makes users nervous to use system. Most time referral cannot be added the day they were made and the workflow as it is does not allow for the correct reporting to be done on these referrals, when agencies need to report to their funders.
Denise Packard commented
Lincoln and Balance of State CoCs in Nebraska agree with this as well.
Marianne Colangelo commented
Thank you for this suggestion! Our community also finds this very restricting for the same reasons, and in addition, sometimes persons are erroneously removed from a queue and we simply cannot undo the removal based on how bitfocus has programmed the referral functionality. There are too many instances where not having this ability compromises the integrity of our HMIS CE data.