Ability to add integer, other fields, to Service Items
Ability to add integer fields, other field types, to Service Items for the purpose of tracking the number of items given to clients. (e.g. client was given 5 bus passes, they would like to enter a 5 as a numeric field somewhere in the Service Item Details)
Thank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
Melissa Sutton-Dement commented
The ability to add custom fields (ie text, number, date, checkbox, picklist, multiselect) to the service items would increase use cases for services which would benefit most communities.
Tyler Oswalt commented
I need an extra field to record Service Authorization IDs that we need to get from our funder to approve each service. Just adding the Auth ID to the notes field gets messy and would be great to have the flexibility to add new fields to Service items for the end user to fill in.