System Performance Measure 4 is programmed incorrectly
HUD's specs for SPM 4 included CoC funded Safe Havens in project types but did not include the Safe Haven funding source in their list of funding sources. I noticed the error in both the Looker fields and Pentaho reports in Clarity. I submitted an AAQ where HUD responded that it was a mistake in the specs and that CoC-funded Safe Havens were supposed to be included. They said that they would update it in the next release of the specs. BitFocus Data Services team was made aware of the problem but they said they will not update the programming until the specs have been updated because they only follow the specs exactly. This is not an issue with the two other HMIS platforms that I have expertise in and access to. I would like to see this updated before the next version of the specs are released.
Both Looker and the canned Pentaho SPM reports have been updated to include funding source 6 HUD: CoC – Safe Haven for Measure 4. HUD acknowledged the typo via an AAQ and will be updating the specifications at a later date as a timeline associated with the update has not yet been provided.
For more information about Pentaho and Looker releases, please review the following articles:
Meghan Morrow commented
If HUD has already given the guidance that this should be updated to the vendors, then it should be seen as an update to the HUD specs before there is a written release. Your communities are reporting incorrectly to HUD till this is updated.