Note who performed an assessment on the assessment history
Hello! Hope everything is going well.
We recently moved to Clarity from a different database, and in the past when you went to view the history of assessments completed for a client, the previous competing database was able to list who last created or edited the assessments in the list (So imagine the columns said Assessment Name, Date Completed, then Staff Completed as opposed to the way it is now). Is there any way we could make this a feature staff could opt into?
I suggested to this supervisor the Client Staff Data Activity Report as a workaround, but after trying it the feedback was that this does not resolve the issue for a few reasons (despite being helpful for other things!). This will allow us to see an assessment was done by a specific person, but not link to the specific assessment - and by the same token, the Assessment History will show an assessment was completed, but not who specifically did this. So hypothetically, this would not account for staff covering for each other, or a staff member filling out one assessment but not the one assigned. We also explored the idea of a custom field that allowed staff to sign their work, but this could only be viewed when individually clicking, which could be inefficient (and still cause the same problems as above).
Thank you for all that you do!
(Edit 5/29: we also explored other options such as the details ibutton, but learned this was not customizable. We also attempted to resolve this using audit history logs, but this not only is limited in how customizable we can make access but also would require several additional clicks per assessment, when having it populate on the history page would increase efficiency. Having explored workaround options, I would still love for this to be considered please. Thank you again!)

Thank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.