Set Most Outbound Recidivism Measures so they can be accessed by data analsys users
Currently the Outbound recidivism measures are only accessible to users with aggregate data analysis rights. The Reentry Enrollment ID should continue to only be available to users with 'aggregate data analysis' rights as this Looker dimension would incidentally provide access to potentially restricted data. However, the other Outbound Recidivism measures in Looker that are currently restricted are the only way to effectively show recidivism that most closely meets HUD's definition of recidivism which is an important measure required by most local funders. Currently the only way for users to access correct recidivism data is to request our HMIS team supply the report. However, if the other Outbound recidivism dimensions were set to be accessible to data analysis users our agency users could run their own recidivism reports as need. All other Outbound recidivism measures (other than the Reentry Enrollment ID) will not disclose any sensitive data that is also not available from using other Recidivism dimensions. The problem is the other recidivism dimensions do not accurately report recidivism.

AdminAlison Wilson (Admin, Bitfocus) commented
Hello Kimberly,
Thank you for submitting your idea. The outbound recidivism fields were carefully coded to restrict sensitive data that should not be shared across agencies. The fields that are not sensitive have been intentionally made available for all users. Therefore we are not including this in our road map at this time but please continue to send us your ideas and feedback.