Looker count fields update
The count of adults and children in Looker are a snapshot of the project start. The household counts don't update over time if household members exit or they age into adulthood. Our users would like these fields to update as there are changes in the household.

AdminLauren Bianchi (Admin, Bitfocus) commented
Hello, Diana!
I recommend utilizing the Enrollments - Enrollment Household filter set to either Current Age or HUD Age to fit this reporting need.
This filter allows choices of: "HUD Age", "Project Start" and "Current Age". "HUD Age" uses either age at project start or at reporting start whichever is more recent, to calculate the client age. All the client age-dependent dimensions in the "Enrollments - Enrollment Household" section, will be affected by the chosen choice. The default filter value is \“Project Start".Thank you for using UserVoice!