Provide SQL query in the Looker Field Info Box when HMIS Data Element response choices are aggregated
When creating a Look, there are fields that aggregate response choices for HMIS Data Elements such as Destination. These can be very useful fields - but it's not possible to verify which response choices are included in each category. For example, under Update/Exit Screen is "Housed on Exit" = Housed or Not Housed.

Hi, Allie! In the ‘Data’ section of the Looker interface, there is an option to select ‘SQL’ to the right of ‘Results’. Once selected, the code for the Look will be revealed and logic/response choices can be verified.
For example, when ‘Housed on Exit’ is in a Look, clicking on ‘SQL’ will reveal the related Destination response field #s per the HMIS Data Dictionary in Appendix A (“WHEN last_screen.exit_destination IN ( 3, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 34 )“). Permanent Housing exit destinations are included within the logic of this dimension.”