Improve Assessments Features within Program Enrollments in Clarity
Clarity is not currently meeting our CoC’s need to easily understand what’s due with Assessments and add as needed. There are several points of feedback we have about the Assessments tab within a Program Enrollment, to make it clearer for our end users. This is made more important by the Current Living Situation assessment now being required.
Current issues for our end users are:
· Current heading is “Status Assessments” which to them = Status Update Assessment
· “Assessment Due” is unclear- what kind of Assessment is due? Annual, Status Update, Current Living Situation? No way to click through. If it could even just display as “Annual Assessment Due” – that would be much clearer.
· An “Assessment Due” is listed, but immediately under it is a Status Update Assessment that was completed. (ie, what’s displayed is inconsistent)
Within the general Program navigation on the right side of the screen, could there be one section entitled “Assessments Due”- and the option to edit and add either a Current Living Situation, Annual Assessment, or Status Update (which has no specific due date- so would just be there as an option).
(I also sent another help request about making the Current Living Situation more configurable.)
Our rationale is that these are three different Assessment “actions”- and that the timeframes, requirements, and due dates are different, based on the 2022 HUD Data Standards. We’d like our end users to be able to see at a glance and be able to add what’s due, instead of seeing what has recently been completed- which is confusing for them!We would like Clarity to display a Warning if an Annual Assessment is completed outside the 30 days +/- “due date” timeframe.
Thanks for your consideration of this idea!

Thank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.