Expand Observation Period in Population Over Time Model
I understand that developers are planning on improvements to the HMIS Population Over Time model and I'd really like to see the it go back farther than two years. If the point of this is longitudinal analysis, it should go back farther, especially given that the LSA looks back three years. Ideally I would like to see it go back to 2012 so we can dig deeper into client histories similar to the canned CLNT-127 report.
Thank you for your feedback. We are currently reviewing this request.
AdminAlison Wilson (Admin, Bitfocus) commented
We greatly value your feedback. This item may be a long-term update and will remain under review.
Connor Foley commented
Here's the metric/logic I'm looking for: if a client has one or more CLSs, bed nights, or days enrolled in an entry-exit ES in a given month, then that would count as one month homeless, and I'm looking for the count of months spent homeless since October 2012. Very similar to the [CLNT-127] Homeless Status Timeline canned report, but just a count of the "Y" months in green in the "SUMMARY - Homeless Status (per HUD definition)" row.