File dates and Expire countdown Flag
For files being uploaded, add date field, expire countdown field, expire period field, flag and reminder settings.
Reason: Some processes require documents to be current, adding a date field, countdown flag, and document expiration period may help keep records organized.
How: Date field will be used as the start date for the countdown timer/flag.
Users can select or enter a number for how long, “expire period field”, the document is good for. For example, a document with a date of 01/01/2024 and an expiration period field of 30 days would be good for 30 days starting and including on 01/01/2024 so it will expire on 01/30/2024. The countdown timer will keep track of the days remaining for the document.
Flag and reminder settings: A user can set how often to be reminded about the document and when it should be flagged as nearing expiration…based on this add fields to the file section with “status” such as “Current”, “Aging” (near midpoint of expire period), “Expired” (expire period reached..)