Add dimensions to "Is Last Enrollment" view that are based on last active enrollment
The existing dimensions within the "Is Last Enrollment" view of the Looker HMIS Performance model rank enrollments based on the [Project Start Date] and then [Enrollment ID]; however, in some cases the user needs to be able to limit to each client's last active enrollment in a reporting period as opposed to the last initiated one. This is most relevant when needing to establish whether a client is a "stayer" or a "leaver" for a set of projects in a period.
The proposed solution is to create addition dimensions within the "Is Last Enrollment" view that rank in the following order:
1) Project End Date, or should it not exist or is after the dimension's time scope, the dimension's last considered date (e.g., current date for the "In System" version; [Enrollments Reporting Period End Date] for the "per Reporting Period" version).
2) Project Start Date
3) Enrollment ID