Safe Guards for Mistaken Expirations
We have had an issue with shelter providers allowing referrals to accidentally expire while still working towards a transportation plan/intake appointment and then subsequently enrolling folks as a non linked enrollment.
Right now if they have already completed intake, to rectify this we have to delete the enrollment and re-refer them to the program opening and then re-add the enrollment. If the provider catches this before enrolling they have to potentially wait on our matching team to resend a match before completing their intake appointment or take the data on paper and enter it later.
While obviously our team needs some additional training on updating the referral status to prevent this, it would be nice to be able to re-open expired referrals similarly to how that can be done for program enrollments that have auto exited.
Also having the ability to retroactively link an enrollment to an mistakenly expired referral would be useful. Similar to how you can link services to a program enrollment.