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Clarity Human Services

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Clarity Human Services


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121 results found

  1. The Problem:
    The pagination at the bottom of a list (<< | 1 | 2 | 3 | >>) won’t let me click the link to the next page even though I’m over the right box. This seems to be because the link (<a>) is only wrapping the text (“1”), so the cursor has to be directly over the text. With numbers like “1”, this is a rather frustrating practice in dexterity.

    The Solution/Suggestion:
    I think that if the <a> tag were wrapping the <li> element instead, this would make the whole box clickable, instead of just the text. At…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  2. Reducing/eliminating overlapping enrollments is a high priority for HUD that does not align well with on the ground agency/program/user incentives. For a variety of reasons some people move frequently between night by night shelters (NbN) or family and single shelters but there is little internal reason for agencies to closely monitor other stays and especially when using the attendance module no easy way to know a guest may have spent a night elsewhere. A program level auto-exit option from NbN shelters when an overlapping NbN shelter or Housing move in date is created would be a significant improvement that would…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  3. An access right that allows the "Private" toggles to be visible or hidden depending on a user's access role would be very helpful.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  4. When creating an admin Access role (or any), users must individually check all rights options.

    Idea: Add a "Select All" Option at the top of the "Rights" Section, where a user has the ability to select all options at once.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  5. It would be helpful to have active enrollments displayed in the search results.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  6. We have many agencies who have a need to keep paper files due to grant/audit requirements. Having the ability to print a 'face sheet' that includes not only client PII but program enrollment information for their paper files would be something that would benefit many of our agencies as they often have to have that information all on one page to "prove" a particular client was entered into they system/enrolled in a program.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  7. Audit Log Enhancements for more detailed user management. We would like to be able to audit when a user logs in each time and what IP address was used. This helps to ensure that users are only using an approved IP address and are not sharing their log in credentials. It is also helpful to know how much time they spend in the system and each and every thing they do, if they look, edit, delete etc.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  8. It would be nice to have a method for mass updates to staff accounts. For instances with high staff account turnover (defined as either new/departing hires or frequent toggling of inactive accounts to active) when there is a need to update many accounts at at time (at times 50 or more), that is a lot of clicking in Clarity.

    Could Bitfocus explore alternative means to staff account updates without the Clarity interface, say via a CSV upload?

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  9. Expand Clarity User Profiles to include Position and an easier way to access user information (position, email, phone number), like a directory. Unless a user is actively working with a client there is no way to access their direct email or phone number within the system. Even using the messaging system, there is no hover over window of additional contact information for the person you contacted in Clarity. Deactivated/Deleted Users should show the agency admin contact information.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  10. Currently the list is displayed based on the order the Program was created. It is easy to miss one if a program was created at a different time that others.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  11. The "client interactions" dimensions in the Client Model would be so much more helpful if they included attendance services. The purpose of the Client Model, partially, is to provide agencies the ability to do non-HMIS data analysis. But not including attendance services in the client interactions seems like a pretty major oversight and tremendously limits the usefulness of those dimensions. And it makes it much more difficult to do the types of non-HMIS analysis we are trying to do since currently it necessitates having to combine multiple different dimensions from different categories - all of which has its own complications.…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  12. It would be very useful to display the Client Unique ID from the Source System; on a similar basis as the name and DOB.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  13. We would encourage the new Inventory management module that was announced for June 2021 to have management of landlords/property owners built in. We manage inventory for rapid rehousing programs and scattered-site housing programs. Up until now, we have had to track that information outside of Clarity. This includes information like property owner documents as well as contacts with those landlords. It would be extremely helpful for this work to be able to be tracked in Clarity.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  14. Our HMIS team spends a great deal of time trying to anticipate how updates to Looker and Clarity will impact existing reports and functionality used to meet our community's needs, testing once the updates have launched, and fixing broken reports when possible. It would be helpful if Bitfocus could provide a detailed list of projects in advance of building them out and provide customers an opportunity to offer feedback on how these updates will impact our communities so that can be considered before building out the changes.

    From a Clarity perspective, the Legacy Services Funding report filter is critical for…

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  15. SF customer stated: The label “Referral Date” is confusing, especially on the Pending tab where there are multiple referral dates that it could be referring to. Would it be possible to change the display name to be “Date referred to queue” or something more specific? Just a suggestion.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  16. Allowing an access roles to be able to edit/delete parts of the CE referral history to reopen a closed CE referral that was auto exited. The ability for System Admins and possibly other access roles to be able to reopen a CE referral to reassign and link/reconnect manually to a PH or TH program without deleting the referral and losing the historical data points for LOT on the CQ would be ideal especially during the data migration process. I'm sure this is not unique to data migration but would also be helpful for CE data quality/clean up as well.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

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  17. It would be useful to be able to set a workflow profile for programs like we set navigation profiles for the agency. We could modify the availability of tabs as well as the default tab after an enrollment is created or edited. For instance, the next tab, after an enrollment, might flow better if it were "Assessments" instead of "Provide Services".

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

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  18. When creating a new assessment screen that will work with processors and coordinated entry, it would be great if all the things you have to check, change, or add were in the same place - maybe in the side column like when you create a new Program. Currently, once I create an assessment, I have a number of options like eligibility engine, display score, coordinated entry. But I also have to go to several other screens to get things completely set up.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  19. Some users would like to see only the referrals they have sent. In addition, if a centralized CES is being implemented where all agencies sudo one CE agency and enter all assessments and referrals there, this provides a way to drilldown to the actual user/agency that sent the referral.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

  20. The search feature in Clarity disregards special characters such as an accent mark ( ' ) and also disregards any letters included in the name before the accent mark. For example, if you search for D' Andre the Clarity client search will prioritize results which include Andre in the first or last name (such as Andre, Andrea, Andrew, Andrews) over the client's name D'Andre which shows up several pages into the search.

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    Archived  ·  Danielle Robadey responded

    As part of our ongoing efforts to build the best feedback platform for you, ideas that have not received a vote or comment in the past year have been set as “Archived.” Please feel free to resubmit this idea using this submission guide.

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